Anecdotal thesis of spatial science observations.

My First Static Website

Have you heard of static website? It comes a joy that comes with backpain and insomnia.
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🗺️ MBR 2023 | PETRONAS

The Malaysian Bidding Round 2023 (MBR2023) has marked another successful year for PETRONAS.
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🌏 Peta Guna Tanah Malaysia 2014-2018 | FRIM

Land Cover 2014-2018 Map Quality Assessment Workshop by FRIM for GHG emission quantification.
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🌏 CE Strategy Dashboard 2021 | WWF-Malaysia

Community Empowerment Strategy Dashboard 2021
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🌏 Malaysia Forest Cover 2020 | WWF-Malaysia

Malaysia Forest Cover Dashboard 2021
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🏆 SCGIS Scholarship Award 2020

Society of Conservation GIS Scholarship Award 2020
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📄 33rd NGC 2021

33rd National Geoscience Conference 2021 (NGC 2021)
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🗺️ IKI Landuse Plan - Green Initiative in the HoB Report | WWF-Malaysia

International Climate Initiative (IKI) Land Use Plan: Green Initiative in the Heart of Borneo (HoB) Report
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🗺️ The Value of Nature; HoB | WWF-Malaysia

The Value of Nature: Balancing Conservation, Development and People in the Heart of Borneo.
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🗺️ Nature in the HoB (2020) | WWF-Malaysia

Publication of "Nature in the Heart of Borneo" by WWF-Malaysia -- Guide to the Northern highlands.
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